- By Bahram Maskanian
Christianity Is The Plagiarized Version of Mithraism - Mithra A Persian Savior -
True Origins of Christianity
Mithra was a Persian savior. The worship of Mithra became common throughout the Roman Empire, particularly among the Roman civil service and military. Mithraism and Christianity were competitors until the 4th century. Mithra was believed to have been born on December 25. His birth was witnessed by shepherds and by gift-carrying Magi. This was celebrated as the, - - Dies Natalis Solic Invite. - - The - - Birthday of the Unconquered Sun. - - Many followers believed that Mithra was born of a virgin. During his life, Mithra performed many miracles, cured many illnesses, and cast out devils. Mithra celebrated a - - Last Supper with his 12 Disciples. - - He ascended to heaven at the time of the spring equinox, about March 21, the first day of spring.
The above story sounds uncannily similar to the story of Jesus, or ISSAH, his real name. Except Mithra and his religion took place two thousands (2000) years earlier than ISSAH, or Jesus. - ISSAH or Jasus died three hundred (300) years before he was made into a mythical religious figure and son of god by the Jews.
Christianity is just a plagiarized religion, an exact replication of Mithraism, which was in existence two thousands (2000) years earlier than Christianity.
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Now let’s look at the much older Persian supernatural being: Mithra. The earliest known examples of Mithra worship date back four thousands (4000) years into the Persian Empire. Mithra was the son of Ahura-Mazda, the divine God of the heavens.
Mithra and Ahura-Mazda were strong influences on early Babylonian beliefs. Along came the Zoroastrians in the 6th century BC who absorbed Mithra and Ahura-Mazda into their own culture where Ahura-Mazda became the supreme holy God of goodness and the God Ahriman became the God of Evil.
Soon after this Zorastrian / Babylonian takeover around 580-BC, the Babylonians were holding the Jews in captivity. The Jews were Henotheists at this time but became heavily influenced by the concept of one god of goodness and one god of evil.
- Mithra was sent by the Father God down to Earth to confirm his contract with Man.
- Mithra was born of a Virgin by Immaculate Conception - He was born of Anahita, an immaculate virgin mother.
- Mithra was born in a stable - We celebrate his birth on Dec 25th.
- Mithra was visited by wise men bearing gifts.
- Mithra had 12 disciples - He was called the Messiah.
- Mithra was also the god of Darius, conqueror of Babylon, He was called - - Messiah - - or Christos by Jews during their Captivity.
- Mithra made a Contract (or Covenant) with Man confirming an older contract with God - The Persian word Mithra literally means - - Contract. - -
- Mithra celebrated a last supper with his disciples before his death.
- Mithra died to atone for the sins of man.
- Mithra was resurrected on a Sunday.
- Mithra ascended into Heaven to rejoin his Father.
- Mithra will return to pass judgment on mankind - He was known as the judger of souls.
- On judgment day, the dead will arise and be judged by Mithra.
- Mithra will send sinners to Hell.
- Mithra will send the faithful to Heaven.
- On judgment day there will be a final conflict between evil and good. - The forces of evil will be destroyed and the saved will live in paradise forever.
- Mithra is part of a holy Trinity (the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) that took human form.
- Mithra is depicted as having a halo, (a circular band of light around his head).
- Mithra followers drink wine and eat bread, which represent his blood and flesh.
- Mithra followers are baptized.
The Holy book of Zoroastrian was called the Avesta of Zarathustra (Zoroaster is the Greek word for the Persian - - Zarathustra - -). The Jews were well aware of this book.
Mithra worship declined with the arrival of the strong Zoroastrian philosophy of - - One True God - -. in the Roman Empire.
Mithra worship increased again and became very popular during the late Roman Empire... When did this happen? Yes. The first Century AD, another remarkable coincidence.
From what race did the mythical Jesus allegedly come from? Jews! Who had already been influenced by the Mithra cult and adopted many other Zoroastrian beliefs.
Who convened the Great Christian Council of Nicea in 325-AD? The Roman Emperor Constantine. Who did he worship before his conversion? Mithra!!!
The large number of similarities between the Persian / Zorastrian God Mithra and the Judeo/Christian Jesus are just too many to be mere coincidences... The two stories are just too much alike... even down to the gifts brought by the wise men to the stable for the infant Mithraism, born of a virgin, the son of God, savior of mankind who died to save us from evil.
It is blindingly obvious that Christianity is just a plagiarization of the earlier Persian Cult of Mithraism. There is nothing original in the Christian belief system. It is all copied.
Christianity has always practiced this art of absorbing other people’s beliefs and calling them their own.... Easter from the pagan festival of Eastre... High Mass, Sunday Sabbath, Holly and Ivy, Decorating trees, Monotheism, The Eucharist... All of it is taken from Mithra.
The bread disks that the Mithra worshipers ate during their Mass to symbolize the flesh of their God was marked with a cross, - - hundreds of years before it became a Christian symbol. - -
And finally, during the Roman Revival of the Mithraism Cult, where do you think the cult centered?
- - - On Vatican Hill in Rome - - - !
Christianity is a false religion with no doctrine of its own. All of its dogma, its rituals, its key characters, its very foundation is stolen from Mithraism.
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Well, as usual in good Old Christian fashion, Fanatic Christians fail to realize that,
- Mithraism IS Christianity. The Christian religion is nothing but a plagiarized version of what EVERYONE claims to be pure mythology, therefore so is Christianity.
- Even the artifacts have been positively dated to WAY earlier than Christianity, so NO, someone did not just - - Make Them Up. - -
Christianity is what was made up, then spread by a psychotic man called Paul, who had his - - Vision - - while on the road to Damascus. Paul’s vision, has since been proven to have been the result of a - - Temporal Lobe Epileptic Seizure. - - For 20 years this delusional man thought the end of the world was coming each and every day he woke up.
Everything this irrational man wrote was while he believed that at any moment the end was coming. This is what Christian Fundamentalist consider - - Words to LIVE by - - instead quite obviously they were - - Words to DIE by - - written by a psychologically impaired man.
Paul is the first Christian mullah, a figure largely responsible for bringing the Christian message to the Roman Empire. Paul was born a Roman citizen at Tarsus in Cilicia, the son of a Jew belonging to the tribe of Benjamin. He was known originally as Saul.
Paul was arrested while preaching and taken into custody near Troas. He was transferred to Rome and was beheaded in the Neronian persecution when he was 65 or 67 years old. His remains were buried on the road to Ostia.
Paul was instrumental in organizing the fundamentalist Christian Church. Through his disturbed psychotic writings he plagiarized and elevated Mithraism to Christianity.
Paul transformed a minor and obscure sect of Judaism, ISSAH’s movement, by copying Mithraism, replacing Mithra with ISSAH and then calling him Jesus.
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A spiritual reinterpretation of Persian Mithraism was suppressed when Constantine I decided to transform Mithraism from a Persian originated religion into a Roman version. Pursuant to his command, historians changed the name from Mithraism to Christianity and ISSAH replaced Mithra and was named Jesus. Roman historians began plagiarizing a new book of lies. Soon after, Constantine I converted to Christianity in CE 312.
Constantine I was raised at the Eastern court of Emperor Diocletian. In 305 Constantius and Galerius succeeded Maximian and Diocletian as the Western and Eastern emperor, respectively. In 306 Constantius died at York, north of England. Soon after Constantine was acclaimed as the Western emperor by the Roman army.
Galerius, however, proclaimed Flavius Valerius Severus as the Western emperor. Maximian and his son, Maxentius, defeated Severus, who was replaced by Licinius. Constantine invaded Italy and killed Maxentius at the Battle of Milvian Bridge (312). Constantine and Licinius were now confirmed as the Western and Eastern emperors respectively.
In 313 they signed the Edict of Milan that extending tolerance to Christians throughout the Roman Empire. In 324 Constantine crushed Licinius and became sole ruler.
Constantine presided over the first ecumenical council of the Christian church at Nicaea (325), which condemned Arianism. He rebuilt (330) Byzantium as his capital, renaming it Constantinople (now Istanbul).
Constantine I centralized imperial power and minted a new gold coin, the solidus, that remained the basic unit of Byzantine currency for a thousand years. Above all, Constantine was responsible for the Christianization of the Roman Empire.
His commitment to Christianity was reflected in the building of the Church of the Holy Wisdom (the original Hagia Sophia), Constantinople, the first St. Peter's basilica, Rome, and the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, Jerusalem.
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Religious Mullahs and their Adam & Eve based fabricated belief system of a nonexistent afterlife are responsible for most of the large scale wars, today’s suicide bombers and genocides, all driven by mullahs. Even though many religions claim to be peaceful and against killing, they promote extermination of those who do not believe in their myth by promising the stupid killers a special treatment and status in the afterlife.
Religious competition between various Religious Mullahs have robbed the human race of an enormous amount of dignity, humanity and knowledge, by killing those who dared to think differently and burning millions of books to prevent mankind from finding out the truth. Religious Mullahs brought us brutal torture, mass murders and religious wars, sadly ever present in all of the so-called civilizations on Earth, even today and have been for the most part of human recorded history.
Fundamentalism of any kind and color is a big mistake. No philosophy or religion ever had the answer and never will. Reality based on hallucination and assumptions is not reality. It’s a myth. Theocracy pushing the public to be favorable toward a theoretical idea of one form or another will only bring us to where we are today and even worse if we continue on this self-destructive path.
The truth must be told about these barbaric widespread mythological beliefs. The deeply rooted hatred caused by mullahs for thousands of years must be healed.
The scope of religious tribal wars is no longer a local concern. It is a global one.
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Book of Mithra – Book of Zoroaster, Avesta – Persian History, Prior to Islam – History of Roman Empire
Christianity, Plagiarized Version of Mithraism
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