Alexander "the Great"

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Alexander "the Great"

Postby babak » Wed Sep 03, 2003 11:53 am

I heard about the realization of a film on the life of Alexander (said “the Great”). With this occasion, I propose a debate on this character.
Last edited by babak on Thu Sep 04, 2003 10:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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2 films on Alexander

Postby François » Thu Sep 04, 2003 10:45 am

Actually there are currently 2 films on Alexander in preparation.
One directed by Buz Luhrmann with Léonardo Di Caprio in the role of Alexander and Nicole Kidman. Beginning of making March or April.

Another directed by Oliver Stone with Collin Farell in the role of Alexander and Anthony Hopkins. Filming currently in Morocco.


Postby Guest » Thu Sep 04, 2003 7:48 pm

Which role had Roxanne in the life of Alexander? Who Was Roxanne? Which was its area of origin? Which was the destiny of Roxanne after the death of Alexander and before his assassination (with his/her son). Thank you to give me information on this couple. Do there exist sites devoted to Alexander or his wife, books which I could read during the holidays?

Alexander the Great

Postby Guest » Mon Feb 09, 2004 11:36 pm

Who play the role of Bucephale ?

Postby Roozbeh » Wed Apr 20, 2005 2:47 pm

Why talking about a such guy ? Don't do publicity about this tyrant.

The Alexander Movie: How are Iranians and Greeks Portrayed?

Postby babak » Thu Aug 18, 2005 1:47 am

I found this interseting article by Kaveh Farrokh at

Hollywood has just released one of the latest of its epic blockbusters: Alexander the Great. Directed by distinguished director Oliver Stone, the movie endeavors to recreate the events of the Hellenic conquests and the downfall of the first Persian Achaemenid Empire. It is important to note however, that simply because a movie is high budget, casts high profile Hollywood actors and is directed by top ranking directors, does not make it flawless.

Beyond the entertainment value of Oliver Stone's latest project, a number of serious errors do exist in the movie, many which may appear trivial. These "trivial" errors will nevertheless be of consequence to both Iranians and Greeks.

Ironically, it has been my Greek friends and colleagues who brought the flaws of Oliver Stone's "Alexander" picture to my attention. There are a total of five overall errors that will be listed and discussed below:

continued at this url :
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Stone défend encore son ALEXANDER

Postby Cinopsis » Tue Aug 23, 2005 9:19 pm

D'après Cinopsis :

Oliver Stone affirme que le gadin public et critique de son ALEXANDER était le résultat inévitable de l'incompréhension totale de l'histoire ancienne par la jeunesse américaine.

A l'occasion de la sortie DVD de son peplum, Stone blâme également certains films précédents qui idéalisent l'histoire plus qu'ils ne l'illustrent: "A cause de BRAVEHEART, je pense que les enfants voient les temps anciens ainsi: 'Wow, ça c'est de la violence!' Mais ils ne distinguent pas la culture de l'époque qui pouvait avoir des valeurs bien plus fortes que maintenant. Je voulais montrer l'entièreté de la culture grecque. Et celle de Perse aussi. Alexandre en lui-même n'a rien d'un héros..."

Il est vrai que l'Alexandre capricieux et instable joué par Colin Farrell a dérouté le public. Plus que tout, c'est sa bisexualité qui a choqué et qui a valu à Oliver Stone les critiques les plus assassines.

"Ma réputation a été fracassé tant de fois... Je suis surpris d'être encore vivant - a-t-il ajouté.

Actuellement, Oliver Stone prépare un film sur les attentats du 11 septembre 2001, avec Nicolas Cage dans le rôle principal.

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