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Pahlavi's Memorial

PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 11:54 am
by HC
β€œAt time when Iran was renewing its links with history, we come here to show you the immense gratitude of a whole people, immortal hero of history, founder of the oldest empire in the world, great liberator, worthy son of humanity.”

I was proud and yet I am today when I hear every word of this speech read by Shah of Iran, back in October 12, 1971. That was in the presence of many kings, queens, sovereigns of countries from around the world, crown princes and princess, Sheikhs and Emirs.

People of Iran with a joyous glory sheltered these distinguished people for three days providing such high quality protocol. During which we earned 2500 schools, roads, dam, industries etc.

Another spectacular aspect of this celebration was International Congress of Specialists in Iranian Studies. It was attended by more than 300 Iranian and foreign specialists in Iranian Historyh and Civilization. About 1000 papers had been collected making this the most complete study of Cyrus in existence; which all have been destroyed by the Guardians of the Islamic Regimes in the very early days of its establishment.
Today more than quarter of century after the celebration, in about four days we sadly remember the death of two kings whom timelessly adored their people, continued frenziedly praising the heritage of Iranian identity embodied in our people, on July 29th and 30th, 2005.

We celebrate and remember the glory of over 2500 years of history every year to come, death of Kings of Pahlavi although we clearly know that obscurantism will survive for as long as our history will. All that is in on the credit side.

Edouard Sablier, the great French author and specialist in Iranian history, wrote: β€œI have not seen any more of those fanatics who used to attack the regime at every turn. I even met some happy Iranians. But the general impression has some gloomy overtones. Naturally a nation cannot develop without encountering along the way the drawbacks, the frustrations, and the unrest that are part of modern time.”

What we experienced in the past 27 years is part of progress that our country must have gone through, the glory days will come up against the ignorance of some and resistance of the people who truly believe in their history. Although; this current oppression taking too long.

We will win. We will, again, renew our links with history, despite existence of obscurantism.
July 25, 2005