Funds required BY S J P Sadhana School for Mentally handicap
Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 11:53 am
From Mehernosh P H Shroff
21 western India House Sir P M Road Fort Mumbai
Dear Friends
Subject : Funds required BY S J P Sadhana School for Mentally handicapped
I am sending this appeal as a parent of an autistic child who is a Parsee & a Zoroastrian she has right now become a very capable and talented child scoring excellent scores in all her test and has received all India Medals in Painting and art, in swimming she has won silver and Bronze medals, she reads the news papers in detail and film magazines, cooks on her own makes her own breakfast all this at the age of 12 ! and can crack kind and witty jokes, she shoots short video clips , her singing is beautiful and in rhythm she performs solo in front of a vast audiences and always wants to be the Star, her school has given her wings.
Her turn around is strictly thanks to the excellent Dedicated hard work put in by S J P Sadhana school of Mumbai which performs miracles .
Right now : S J P Sadhana school cures and heals the Autistic /Hyperactive / Mongoloid children out of 100 students in S J P C Sadhana school for developmentally handicapped 40-50 students are Zorastian Parsees,( unacknowledged uncared for and swept under the carpet by al ).
Right now these Zoroastrian Parsee students and their parents live a life of social stigma with absolutely no help from their community or relatives , so far not a single Parsee or Zoroastrian elder or Trustee has helped or volunteered help even when the school is in danger of being closed down due to lack of funds
Right now due to falling interest rates on fixed deposits the earning from S J Sadhana funds have dropped they are short of 6 teachers & desperately require funds to boost their corpus and to pay for day to day activities hence they have requested parents to write to charitable institutions world wide for financial help
I appeal to all my Parsee Zoroastrian Brethren to help the school in this time of need ,
Please do let me know if you can help ,a 500 or even 100 dollar contribution per Organization or family and main thing is your kind interest and Good wishes will help THESE FORGOTTEN AND SWEPT UNDER THE CARPET CHILDREN ( No Zoroastrian Newspaper does articles on these children who win world fame in special Olympics or international prizes there is a” we do not care we do not have them attitude !!??which is inhumane and frightening” specially as it comes from a religion and clan which is caring and generous )
Thanking all my kind community friends family and leaders
Best regards
Mehernosh Pirojsha .Hormusji .Shroff
Chief engineer, fellow of the institute of marine engineers
Master builder of Mumbai’s first houseboat
Mobile 0091 9322403761
Tel +91 22 22845723
Fax +91 22 22828277
21 western India House Sir P M Road Fort Mumbai
Dear Friends
Subject : Funds required BY S J P Sadhana School for Mentally handicapped
I am sending this appeal as a parent of an autistic child who is a Parsee & a Zoroastrian she has right now become a very capable and talented child scoring excellent scores in all her test and has received all India Medals in Painting and art, in swimming she has won silver and Bronze medals, she reads the news papers in detail and film magazines, cooks on her own makes her own breakfast all this at the age of 12 ! and can crack kind and witty jokes, she shoots short video clips , her singing is beautiful and in rhythm she performs solo in front of a vast audiences and always wants to be the Star, her school has given her wings.
Her turn around is strictly thanks to the excellent Dedicated hard work put in by S J P Sadhana school of Mumbai which performs miracles .
Right now : S J P Sadhana school cures and heals the Autistic /Hyperactive / Mongoloid children out of 100 students in S J P C Sadhana school for developmentally handicapped 40-50 students are Zorastian Parsees,( unacknowledged uncared for and swept under the carpet by al ).
Right now these Zoroastrian Parsee students and their parents live a life of social stigma with absolutely no help from their community or relatives , so far not a single Parsee or Zoroastrian elder or Trustee has helped or volunteered help even when the school is in danger of being closed down due to lack of funds
Right now due to falling interest rates on fixed deposits the earning from S J Sadhana funds have dropped they are short of 6 teachers & desperately require funds to boost their corpus and to pay for day to day activities hence they have requested parents to write to charitable institutions world wide for financial help
I appeal to all my Parsee Zoroastrian Brethren to help the school in this time of need ,
Please do let me know if you can help ,a 500 or even 100 dollar contribution per Organization or family and main thing is your kind interest and Good wishes will help THESE FORGOTTEN AND SWEPT UNDER THE CARPET CHILDREN ( No Zoroastrian Newspaper does articles on these children who win world fame in special Olympics or international prizes there is a” we do not care we do not have them attitude !!??which is inhumane and frightening” specially as it comes from a religion and clan which is caring and generous )
Thanking all my kind community friends family and leaders
Best regards
Mehernosh Pirojsha .Hormusji .Shroff
Chief engineer, fellow of the institute of marine engineers
Master builder of Mumbai’s first houseboat
Mobile 0091 9322403761
Tel +91 22 22845723
Fax +91 22 22828277